Old Testament, display books with or without Strong's numbers. Menu's to maps, search, create a word dictionary, book mark, change font or screen color, dictionaries, internet
favourites, Messianic passages and topics. DblClk a word or number and the dictionaries will be searched.
Old Testament topics can be displayed by book or all. They can be sorted, generated into a text file and viewed. The topics use every passage of the Old Testament. DblClk a word and the
dictionaries will be searched.
New Testament, display books with or without Strong's numbers. Menu's to maps, search, create a word dictionary, book mark, change font or screen color, dictionaries, internet
favourites, Parables and topics. DblClk a word or number and the dictionaries will be searched.
New Testament topics can be displayed by book or all. They can be sorted, generated into a text file and viewed. The topics use every passage of the New Testament. DblClk a word and the
dictionaries will be searched.
This tabbed screen display Easton's, Tories and Naves.
Display OT Messianic passages with coresponding NT scripture. Topics can be generated to a list. Display all or by book, sorted or unsorted. DblClk a word and the dictionaries will be
Matthew Henry Commentaries
Tools for Easton's, Nave's and Torry's topic search.
Gospel Parables. DblClk a word and the dictionaries will be searched.
Select Psalms by Title or number. DblClk a word and the dictionaries will be searched
Select Proverb by Title or number. DblClk a word and the dictionaries will be searched.
Search the Bible by Old, New Teataments, or by book. Search for a word, or Strong's number. DblClk a word or number and the dictionaries will be searched.